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The Chronic Illness Playbook
Chronic Illness Survival Kits, Must-Have EDS and POTS Products, and Mobility Aid Advice with Chronically Jenni | Episode #1

Chronic Illness Survival Kits, Must-Have EDS and POTS Products, and Mobility Aid Advice with Chronically Jenni | Episode #1

On the first episode of The Chronic Illness Playbook, Chronically Jenni shares her top products for both Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and POTS, dishes out sage advice for navigating the world of mobility aids, and delves into the helpful tools that make up her chronic illness survival kits.

Jenni also shares a heartfelt recommendation of a popular Instagram account that truly inspires her, as well as blows Joe’s mind with a thoughtful response to his question, “What fictional character do you think has your chronic illness?”

This episode is jam-packed with helpful advice for the chronic illness community at large, with specific focus at times for those spoonies with EDS and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia syndrome.

Links Jenni and Joe reference throughout the episode:
-Neo-Walk stylish mobility aids:
-For her #1 EDS product recommendation, Google “Ergonomic Knife” to find a whole host of “L-shaped” knives

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