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The Chronic Illness Playbook
Congressional Chronic Illness Advocacy, #1 Must-Have for ER Visits, Plus POTS and Primary Immunodeficiency with Chronic Jen | Episode #3

Congressional Chronic Illness Advocacy, #1 Must-Have for ER Visits, Plus POTS and Primary Immunodeficiency with Chronic Jen | Episode #3

Have you ever met someone who, in order to receive a life-saving treatment, had to appeal to one of the highest elected officials in the United States? I have, and her story is inspiring, but all too indicative of the state of healthcare around the world.

This week, we welcome Chronic Jen to the program, as she shares this harrowing tale of advocacy, as well as her journey with Primary Immunodeficiency and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.

You won't want to miss when she lets us know the #1 must-have item she brings with her to every ER visit and doctor's appointment. It's something I hadn't even thought to do before talking with her, and will change how I approach meeting new physicians forever.

So listen along as we talk about Jen's holistic approach to her chronic illnesses, debate which of the Seven Dwarfs has PI, and explore the intricacies of her Monday night infusion routine.

All that, and so much more, on this week’s The Chronic Illness Playbook!

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